Tuesday, January 12, 2010


i am very sad today. our cat molly didn't feel well, and mommy said it was her teeth. yesterday she went to the vet and they said her teeth are sore, bring her back tomorrow and we will take out the sick ones and she'll be fine.
but today they called and said our molly died. they don't know why, they tried to take very good care of her, and the vet cried on the phone when my mommy did, but molly won't be coming home. every one is very sad. her son, snowball, doesn't know where his mommy is, but he loved her a lot and has never been without her.
they said she was very old, we'd thought maybe she was 12 or 13, but they thought she was much older than that. she had been a stray and my family took her in even before they had me, and she was a velvety cat and would pur and raise up on her back feet for mommy to pet her head.

i am very sad and miss my cat a lot. why do cats have to go away?
luv, holly

Sunday, January 10, 2010


i got to thinking about pets today. do u have a pet? i have 2 catses and i used to have another cat. but she is not alive today and i miss her alot.

what do you do when your pet dies? i was very sad. for a long time, every night my mommy and i would have to take all my toys out of my basket to look for her but she was never there. i looked at her dishes and i looked at all the places she would sleep but she was never there. i would run in the house because she would always show up under my feet when i did that but she was not there. mommy always told me i must be careful and gentle around my emily because she was sick and blind and could not see and felt bad, so i always tried so hard to be so careful of her. if she would get confused and come eat wif me because my food smelled yummy, i would step back and let her have it because i loved her that much. but now i miss her because she is not here. she never lived in this house, and sometimes i wonder if we left her behind, but she was not there for the last while we lived there.

i still miss her. she was a good cat. when mommy and daddy were gone, she would sometimes lay beside my doggie gate to my cubby hole and that was nice. and at night too. we shared a water dish and if it got empty I would carry it to mommy wherever she was and flip it in the air so she could see that it was empty. but we don't use that dish now.

we all miss that cat but i think i miss her most.

so what do you do when you have a pet that goes away and you miss them? here is a picture of my emily wrapped in a blanket sleeping in the chair. i sit in that same chair sometimes, so that's very nice.

luv holly

Thursday, January 7, 2010

guess what???????

i bet you think i got snow when i say guess what, but no i didn't. but guess what??? mommy and the human grrrl were baking good smelling stuffs for the human grrl's party tomorrow and i was helping like i rarely do by sitting in the grape room wif daddy. but i heard a very important noise and ran into the kitchen and sat right behind mommy to help her from up close and she laughed and said, o holly i'm not making scrambledy egges, i am cracking egges for the brownies. i sat very still and very very pretty and put a really nice smile on my face and when she looked at me i waved my little hands in the air and the human grrl said she really needs some scrambledy egges, and mommy said wouldn't that be spoiling her a lot, and the human grrl (i think she likes me after all!!!) said, no i think she needs some. so mommy scrambledyed me two egges and put cheese in them and cooled them and then put them in my nice food and i ate it all every bit!!!! it was so so so so yummy and my tummy is so happy.

AND (this must be very important because i uesd big letters which i really don't like to do because they are scary) she went to petco while she was out and bought me 2 bags of food and 2 kinds of cookies and a christmas talking ball that was reduced and it plays sentences and singing and barking and all kinds of stuff and o by the way she also got food for my cat- the momma cat who is not fat and is losing weight on the lard butted cat's new food, but who shouldn't be and the lard butted cat is not losing weight because he eats all the diet food even his mommy's part. boy, i am out of breath from all that!!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

happy new year

happy new year. i am not enjoying the new year very much because on new years eve people shot off fireworks and i didn't like it much. at all. mommy had to give me happy cheese to make me feel better and sit wif me while i was in my crate, because i feel safe there. and now at night, i am worried and i go around the house and look for noises, but i've not found any. mommy says, o holly those noises are gone and they won't be here tonight, but i just have to make sure.

i might get snow thursday night. my friends pepsi and channing and roz have snow and i'm not sure about mason. fergus has snow. and lots of my face book friends do too. mommy and i look at all the pictures of them playing in snow and she says maybe we'll get snow one day holly for you to play in.

i have frozen mud, which is kinda fun, because i can play in it, but my feetses dont' get wet or muddy and i can still get on the car pet afterwards. but i would like snow, wouldn't you? yes, holly i would!!

so i found out that my friend mr. macgregor's burfday isn't this monf but i think we should still have a big party for him because he is such a good friend to everyone. he will be 18 in may, my human grrrl isn't that old yet and she's really really old. i can't even figure it out.

human grrls are interesting things aren't they? they are very confusing. do you have a human grrrl? i do like my human grrrl a lot sometimes she runs in the house and lets me chase her even if she does't have a sock in her mouf. if i have a sock in my mouf she chases me, and it's fun. i jump from chair to chair to couch because i get so egg sided. mommy says grrrls calm down or someone will get hurt and i just laugh because it's fun to run and jump and chase.

well, i'd better find a pictur to post and then post this new years blog because i know you've been waiting for it.

luv, your friend holly!!!!