Wednesday, December 12, 2012

wer duz tyme go?

wer duz tym go? my momy sez dis. an i has bin wuuking fow it fow her. i kinot fined it. i has wukt hewe and dewe and ebberwewe but it is not der. i fink it has weekt owt.
gess wot. de wass tym i wote it was neewy my burfday and now it is neewy cwiss miss. i yam bewy eggsidied win my momy gwowes a twee in de hows. dis yere her gwode it in a noo spot. i wike it in dis spot becoz i can wuk at it bedder. fank yu momy. du yu has a twee in yur hows? it is not a twee tu pee on. it is not a twee tu wuk fow skwirels in. it is a twee dat gwowes pwesins. i awways git a noo soccer bawl unner de twee an dat mayks me so hapy. soccer bawls is de bess fing der is. soccer is gud. i hoap yu git a noo soccer bawl fow cwiss miss. an i hoap yu git a pwesin twee in yur hows. gotta go ete my dinnur now i wiww be bak wayter!! luv holly


  1. Holly wese wudse wikes a se sokka ballse forse cwissmiss. Wese hopesin mommy willse seeze youse bwog andse gettse uss onese.Wese wuv youse newse bwog berry muchse.Luvs,Pepsi andse Sierra <3

  2. My mom brought a tree in the house too! I didn't know that it would grow presents though. I thought it was there so I could scratch my head and my back on it when I walked by. I like to do that because it makes all the little decorations on the tree dance around and make nice noises when they fall to the floor. hehehehehehe ................Your good friend Sailor

  3. Wonderful! patti, cooper and clem
