Monday, October 8, 2012

hapy burfday munf

hapy burfday tu me sune. dis munf is my burfday. i wiww be sebin yeres owd. momy is gowing tu wet me has a pawty. i wiww imbite awl my fwins fwom awl ober der wurl. my fwins wiww be coming fwom ebewy pwanit on urf. candadada. ostwaywia. scodwan. sandy eggo. tinnersea. an ebewy udder pwanit. i wiww be hasing wotsa eggsidemin fow my burfday. fude. poanee wides. bownsea cassuls. pawashooting wif waw mawt bags. fude. pawades fwoo de sidee. bote wides. ise skading. scabinjer huns. pakijis tu opin. fude. my twiblets angussnook and bweezemawino wiww be spinning de weke wif me. we wiww has swumber pawtdees an cuk owts and we wiww ete at fansy westwans and go to moobees and ete wotsa poppycown. we wiww jump owf de bwij in my hows and wand on a piwe ob piwwows bewow. sins i has bin sik i has bin on miny caw wides. i wud wike tu git my dwibers wisins. i wud wike tu be a caw dwiber wike my momy. den ebeey day i wud go to de dwibe up winder and ask fow sum chigin an ise cweme. de peepows wud be wukkng fow me eesh day an if i was wunning wayt day wud say oh. we has bin so wowwied abowchu an i wud say sowwy der was a wong wine at de liberry. an day wud say we has yur chigin weddy and sins yu is wayt we wiww gib yu eggstwa becoz yu muss be so hungwy. i wiww gib wides tu awl my fwins and we wiww go to petco and petsmawt an duncun donuts. i wint tu de noowologiss and him wukt fwoo my eres at my bwane. him sed my bwane was bewy lubbly. i bawkt an bawkt and it ekkode awl ober de pways. momy towd me ebberbotty coming in was not der tu see me, but i no her was wong. day was der tu see me. i yam de kwene. momy juss doan no it. luv holly


  1. dat is a lobewly stowy Holly....I can'ts wate fow yuw buwffday week.....I's stawtin to pak my bags now cause I is so eggcited.....I has lot's and lot's ob stuffs to bwing.....luv angussnook

  2. Wese luvs youse bloggse Holly!! Its izz berry nise! Wese haz misted youse! Wese izz pakkin ourse baggese toose andse willse seeze youse soonse forse de biggse burfsdayse pawty.Luvs,Youse fwinds,Pepsi andse Sierra<3

  3. i yam so gwad yu is pwaning tu com tu my pawty. i yam getting bewy eggsidied. momy is stawting tu bake cayks and cuukeess and awl kinser yummy fings and i hurd her owdewing mud mud bootyfuww mud tuday. i hoap. luv holly hu is bewy eggsidied.

    1. wese pakkin ower baggs weddy tu be pikked up bi tore big wed helemacopta an wewl bwing timtams an chiggin an cheez an isecweem an cuukies an sum ob ower tois to shair....luv steffi an wittel coco....pppsssits gonna be a lubbly pawty...

    2. We lubed da blog, Howwy and we canz wait to come to your Burfday pawty. we will bwing wots of tweets, and cakes and cukkies and candy baws and nana spwits and cupcakes and bwonies and cobbage cheese. We wilz be waitin by da mailbox. LOV, Stewie,Buffet and Murphy

  4. dis wiww be de bess pawty ebber. i cayn wayt can we stawt it sune? can we stawt it on winsdy dats ownwy fibtene days urwy. i cayn wayt i wiww go ast momy

    momy ebberbotty is coming winsdy, we wiww has tu stawt de pawty urwy!! no no i did not imbite dem tu com urwy it was awl day ideer... luv holly wink wink momy wiww nebber gess!!! ha ha ha i cwak me up!
