Tuesday, October 9, 2012

me in de yawd tuday

momy an me juss wint owt her tuk her camwa. i wiww not muss stay stiww fow pigchers but her stiww twies. hewe is me in de yawd tuday wif my bawls and pwaying in de wet gwas! luv holly weww i wukt at dis poast apter i wote it an it was tu showt so i wiww make it wonger. me an momy was awone tuday becoz datty and wowy win tu see fwankinweeny we did not go, momy sed de doggy dyed and her fowt it wud be tu sad fow us. day juss got hoam and wowy sed momy was wite it was way tu sad fow us dat momy wud has cwyed. momy has not finisht de hollyweeny degowashums, but we hoap her wiww sune. luv holly


  1. We think we like this photo of you best of all...

  2. Wese tinkse youse izz sose bootiful holly.Wese luvs youse berry muchse.Luvs,P&S
