this is a blog all about me and my life as a bearded collie. i have a very exciting life and so many best friends all over the world and i know they want to know what goes on with me day by day. i wish you could all come and give me cookies and kick the balls around the yard for a big game of beardie soccer, but this is the next best thing. love your friend holly
Sunday, January 27, 2013
dis is me as a puppee.
negz weekin i yam gitting a noo sibstur. momy sed it wiww be nise, an i wiww hab sumwun tu wun an pway wif. i yam finking dat wiww be fum. i has bin de ownwy doggy in dis hows my howe life, so i yam a wittel wundering wot mite hapin. i du no dat momy wiww aways luv me an i wiww awways be de nummer wun gurl. i du no dat her is not gitting dis noo puppee becoz i yam sik. her has wanded a puppee sibstur fow me ebber sins i was wittel, but i was so wilde her fowt i mite hurt a puppee. now i yam so bewy weww behabed dat her nose i wiww not hurt a puppee. momy gottied me a bwon puppee becoz i yam bwon, and her sed we wud mach. i yam bewy gud at maching, i du wyk tu mach wyke if momy etes chese i muss mach an ete chese. if momy has ise in her gwas i muss hab an ise. maching is bewy impowtan.
gess wot. wass nite momy poowed owt awl my baybee towys. i fown jorj, him is de wittel bare wot was my furst towy. momy bwang it an my pink bwankee win her camed tu git me. i stuud and skwuk jorj fow abowt tin minits wass nite, it was so gud tu see him. momy sed i has mower towys dan inny tin dogs nede. ha ha i sed i nede dem awl. her sed we shud gabber sum up fow de doggy shewter so i sed maybe but i muss fink on dis.
miss pat gibbed me a bootyfuww towy powch fow cwiss miss wif my nayme on it. momy poot it in de wibbing woom wif my fabwit towys in it awl de wuns wot skweke so gud. den i poowled dem awl owt and pwayste dem awtisticwy awl ober de fwower. it wuks soooooooooooooooo gud de way i did it.
momy finks dat hasing de noo ppuppee wiww hewp me not be so wongwy ifn her goze tu de gwoswy stower. i sed maybe but i yam stiww gowing tu sit and stare at her and tap her wif my paw so her can pet me fow owers at a tym, juss wike now.
luv holly
Saturday, January 12, 2013
wintur tym wintur tym
it is wintur tym. me an momy gottied owt ower scawfs an hats an gwubs an fuzzy sogs. we is sitteen at de dore wayting fow snow. tap tap tap. wer is yu snow? it is not here. my fwin angussnook has wotsa snow. wotsa my udder fwins has snow. me an bweezemawino an sum ob my udder fwins duz not has snow. dat is not fare.
momy poot a burd fedeur owt. i wyk tu chase de burds and make dem fwy. i smiff de gwas wer day has bin an twy tu deside ifn day is dangers zombeee burds. i fink day is. i wiww sabe my momy fwom dem
i has had a gud yere dis yere so faw. i has bin pwaying wotsa bawl. i fwoo my helamocopter to angussnooks hows so awl my fwins cud pway in de snow. i has had my hed pettied a wot. i has had sum misojis. i wyks dat. wot has yu bin duwing?
fow my momys burfday dis yere i yam gowing tu gib her a wummerfull pwesin!! i yam gowing tu sit wif her awl day and wet her pettied my hed. i wiww pettied her wif my paw ifn hur fowgits tu kepe petting me.
i yam hoaping momy wiww bayk me sum cuukkees. i du wyk cuukkees. bewy muss. i hab gottinged tu be a big gurl, i yam not a skinny minny inny mower. momy sed dat i has a gud appletyde now. i fink i yam juss gud at ebberfing. ha ha ha i cwak me up.
weww i muss go bak tu sitteen at de winder washing fow snow. kech yu on de fwip snide!!! hah a ha luv holly
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