this is a blog all about me and my life as a bearded collie. i have a very exciting life and so many best friends all over the world and i know they want to know what goes on with me day by day. i wish you could all come and give me cookies and kick the balls around the yard for a big game of beardie soccer, but this is the next best thing. love your friend holly
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
song ob my fwins (sung tu de choon ob awr yu sweping bwudder jon)
bweezemawino, bweezemawino,
angussnook, angussnook,
tiwwman and cawhoon, tiwwman and cawhoon
indi and smokey, indi and smokey.
skye, tegan, rhys,
and baybee caysee,
bonnie and fee,
twabeler an paisley. and doan fowgit maddie.
guiness, sissy and anya, guiness sissy and anya
fwo, dusty, miwes. fwo, dusty, miwes.
cooper an sissy, cooper an sissy,
steppi and coco. steppi and coco.
lilly, spock and scoddie, lilly spock, and scoddie,
moi and mia, moi and mia
dexie and georgie, dexie and georgie,
stewie, buffet, murphy. stewie, buffet murphy.
barkwy and jakey, barkwy and jakey,
casey and duncan, casey and duncan.
pawis and twiton, pawis and twiton,
ewton, monty, kit. ewton monty kit.
wallace and maidie, lainie and bunker,
cal, asti, abbie, cal asti, abbie
gertie, gin and bundy, gertie gin and bundy,
baileyfwazier, baileyfwazier.
chief and sailor, chief and sailor,
gwacie and gwobey, gwacie and gwobey,
sadie and sammy, brianna and kyla,
ewwa and ise, ewwa and ise.
annie and bailey, holly and finn,
ruckus and mayhem, ruckus and mayhem,
sonic, spaghetti and sage, sonic, spaghetti and sage,
cooper and clem, cooper and clem.
bean and abby, gypsy and adele,
gracie, cosette, gracie, cosette,
merlin and rhiannon, merlin and rhiannon,
channing and roz, channing and roz.
thumper and captain and little maddie,
pepsi, sierra and whisper, pepsi, sierra and whisper,
trophy, secret and ryder, trophy, secret and ryder,
and cricket too, and cricket too.
ailsa and brae, dottie and chloe,
loki and faye, loki and faye
an of course me holly and of course me holly
nellie gwacie and mikka, newwie gwacie and mikka.
mandy and olliebear, dewey and tucker,
tanner and pyper, rune and tarot
and ob corse lylly and ob corse lylly
i fink dats awl. i fink dats awl.....
nowe i du not wyk tu ware fings on my hed.

dis weke awl my fwins is at my hows for holly camp. dis is de furd yere we has had camp.
we awl lib in tints in de bak yawrd and hab campfiwers. de momys awl sind fude and snaks. we sing and pway gayms and swim and ete and woas mawshmellers and hot dogs on de campfiwer and de baybees is cwayzee and we ete. a lot.
dis mowning momy maded abowt lebinty fibe miwwyumm pamcakes.
we had wotsa surp an budder and we awl got bewy stiky. my sisstur faye is awways durty and stiky. we wowwed in de gwass an ebbybotty got gwas stuk tu day fase. it was bewy fum.
gwobey bwang sossijis and ebbybotty ated dem. yesturdy momy cukt eges and der was stinnky fawts ebbywer. yuk.. i du not wyk fawts.
tuday we is gonter swim. momy has fiwd up my wittel poowell wif wadder an we is tayking turns spwashing. we muss wash de baybees so day du not git dwowndid. we muss mayk shore angussnook duz not git hims fetes wet. de wadder is foowell ob gwas and twigs so we is pwetinin it is a swawmp.
me an faye swepe inside wif iwer momy so hur doan git tu misting us. sum ob iwer fwins got hoam sik wass nite and was bewy sad. we has a big tint fow de momys wot wants tu stay- sum momys mist day baybees tu mush fow dem tu be goned. sum ob my fwins fink day is not here becoz day did not say du not fowgit tu cum git me, but i gotted dem eben ifn day didn't no i did. i fink day kepes a bwankie ober day hed so day du not see dat day is at my hows. i wud nebber fowgit a fwin.
hollycamp is de bess tym ob de yere. i wuv it. luv holly
Monday, August 19, 2013
wayn wayn gowe aye way
has yu ebber had wayn at yur hows? weww. i has had so bewy muss wayn dis sumer dat i fink i lib in a wibber. it is juss widicoowus. i sed, momy i du not wan it tu wayn inny mower. i yam tiwerd ob being insyd wif dat cwayzee sisster yu bwang hoam. i yam tiwerd ob hur being so wet. i yam tiwerd ob de towells on de fwower being mutty. ders nuffin tu du an i yam bowerd. i wan tu go swepe in my cwayt but yu say my fetes is wet. i yam tiwerd ob it mayk it gowe away. an momy sed, here howwy cum has a cuukkee and du not bawk acher sisster.
wots a beardie tu du?
weww, being a bewy owgunyzde gurl i desided tu mayk sum wiss ob fings tu du in de wayn.
nummer wun- bawk untiww momy bwings yu a cuukkee
nummer tu- bawk sum mower sowe momy wiww bwing eben anudder cuukkee.
nummer fwee- tayk a nap but wayk up ebby wuns in a wile an bawk acher sisstur.
nummer lebin- gicher fete wet an step in durt an den mayk bootyfuww modurn awt on de kishin fwower.
nummer niney- peetin yu has a tummee ake so yur momy wiww sit wif yu and wub it
nummer ate- bawk at de bak dore an ak wyk yu nedes tu pee but den win momy opins it, wuk at hur wyk hur is cwayzee
nummer tin- gowe owt an win momy cawws yu in juss wuk at hur an say i du not speke ingwish
nummer fower- gicher sisstur tu take a stuffy owtsied an den leeb it so momy has tu gowe git it
nummer twewb- git on yur momys wass nurb.
nummer furteme- gicher sisstur tu git weewy wet an mutty sowe momy wiww be so pwowd ob yu fow beying so cwene.
nummer twinny- git awl wet an den tayk so wong tu gicher fete wet so dat win yu go in de wibbing woom, yur sisster pees on de cawpit
weww, it is tym fow me tu bawk fow a cuukkee, so i had bedder wechu gowe and i wiww tawk tu yu sune!!! luv holly

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