Tuesday, August 27, 2013

nowe i du not wyk tu ware fings on my hed.

on sunndy momy towcherd me an faye. hur poot stuff on iwer heds and maded us git iwer pigchers tukind. it was bewy mene an not nise an yes we got cuukkees but not enuf tu mayk up fow it. hur fowndid tu hedbands wede nebber worned befower so gess wot hur fowt "oh dese wiww be suj coot pigchers". no momy yu is wong. day is not coot.


  1. Buttse youse bofe wookse adollable Holly andse Faye..wese tinkse youse bofe izz lubberly! Luvs,Pepsi,Sierra andse Whisper xoxoxoxo

  2. We lubs bofe ob yu...lub casey an duncandonuts

  3. i no we du wuk bewy gud in pwitty muss ebbyfing, no we wuk gud in ebbyfing at awl, but i du not wyk wawing fings on my hed, i du it fow momy, no akshuwy i du it fow de cuukkees. luv holly faye duz it coz hur is a suk up. la la la la la
