i got to thinking about pets today. do u have a pet? i have 2 catses and i used to have another cat. but she is not alive today and i miss her alot.
what do you do when your pet dies? i was very sad. for a long time, every night my mommy and i would have to take all my toys out of my basket to look for her but she was never there. i looked at her dishes and i looked at all the places she would sleep but she was never there. i would run in the house because she would always show up under my feet when i did that but she was not there. mommy always told me i must be careful and gentle around my emily because she was sick and blind and could not see and felt bad, so i always tried so hard to be so careful of her. if she would get confused and come eat wif me because my food smelled yummy, i would step back and let her have it because i loved her that much. but now i miss her because she is not here. she never lived in this house, and sometimes i wonder if we left her behind, but she was not there for the last while we lived there.
i still miss her. she was a good cat. when mommy and daddy were gone, she would sometimes lay beside my doggie gate to my cubby hole and that was nice. and at night too. we shared a water dish and if it got empty I would carry it to mommy wherever she was and flip it in the air so she could see that it was empty. but we don't use that dish now.
we all miss that cat but i think i miss her most.
so what do you do when you have a pet that goes away and you miss them? here is a picture of my emily wrapped in a blanket sleeping in the chair. i sit in that same chair sometimes, so that's very nice.
luv holly
Oh Holly, I am sorry that you are sad about your cat. I am only a puppy so I don't know how it feels, but my mom does. She lost her last Beardie right before she got me and she says he was the best dog in the world, and that now I am the best dog in the world! She has pictures of him all around the house and I guess he looks petty cool even if he was not brown.
ReplyDeleteSometimes my mom and I sit on the glider on the porch and she shows me a picture of him and she tells me all about him. She laughs and she cries at the same time. She tells me that I am like him in so many ways, and different too. She hugs me and scratches me, and I try to sit there with her and not chase the cat. I am a pretty good listener for a puppy.
I guess missing a cat or a dog when it is gone means that you loved them a whole lot, and they were really special, so it is a good thing. I wish that dogs and cats did not ever leave because imagine how exciting it would be to have all of them around to play with.
So sit in her chair, and think about her, and miss her because that means she was really loved.
Your puppy friend, Sailor
thank you sailor you are very clever for a puppy, after all a puppy is just a baby dog and dogs are ever so clever. my mommy doest that too, she tells me about the petses she had before me and all the funny and happy and clever and silly things they did. i think it helps mommies to talk to us because we really understand things and give them nice kisses and hugs.
ReplyDeletemommy says i greeeeeved for a long time about my cat, but then i got over it and was better and didn't keep looking for her. but i still wonder about her but mommy says she is still wif us even tho we can't see her. i used to let her sleep in my crate if she got in there and if she came in while i was there, i'd jump up and get out and let her have it because she would startle me. i was a very good sister to her.
i bet your mommy's other dog was a really good dog and trained her well so that she can be a very good beardie mom to you too! you're lucky aren't you, just like me??? luv, holly
my human grrrl's name is rory