happy new year. i am not enjoying the new year very much because on new years eve people shot off fireworks and i didn't like it much. at all. mommy had to give me happy cheese to make me feel better and sit wif me while i was in my crate, because i feel safe there. and now at night, i am worried and i go around the house and look for noises, but i've not found any. mommy says, o holly those noises are gone and they won't be here tonight, but i just have to make sure.
i might get snow thursday night. my friends pepsi and channing and roz have snow and i'm not sure about mason. fergus has snow. and lots of my face book friends do too. mommy and i look at all the pictures of them playing in snow and she says maybe we'll get snow one day holly for you to play in.
i have frozen mud, which is kinda fun, because i can play in it, but my feetses dont' get wet or muddy and i can still get on the car pet afterwards. but i would like snow, wouldn't you? yes, holly i would!!
so i found out that my friend mr. macgregor's burfday isn't this monf but i think we should still have a big party for him because he is such a good friend to everyone. he will be 18 in may, my human grrrl isn't that old yet and she's really really old. i can't even figure it out.
human grrls are interesting things aren't they? they are very confusing. do you have a human grrrl? i do like my human grrrl a lot sometimes she runs in the house and lets me chase her even if she does't have a sock in her mouf. if i have a sock in my mouf she chases me, and it's fun. i jump from chair to chair to couch because i get so egg sided. mommy says grrrls calm down or someone will get hurt and i just laugh because it's fun to run and jump and chase.
well, i'd better find a pictur to post and then post this new years blog because i know you've been waiting for it.
luv, your friend holly!!!!
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