this is a blog all about me and my life as a bearded collie. i have a very exciting life and so many best friends all over the world and i know they want to know what goes on with me day by day. i wish you could all come and give me cookies and kick the balls around the yard for a big game of beardie soccer, but this is the next best thing. love your friend holly
Friday, September 7, 2012
i wub tu git mayl. ebber tym a pakij comes i no it is fow me. sumtyms momy sez howwy, not ebbewy pakij is fow yu. i no her is wong.
sins i has bin sik, i has gotten fwee pakijis!!!
i got a pootow.
i got a bummy.
i got a bwankie.
i wub awl my pakijis. i wub it win de mayl comes. i wuv it win momy sez yu did not git any mayl tuday, but here is a cuukiee!! i wub cuukees!!! day is eben bedder dan mayl. owr maybe juss as gud. i wiww poase pigchers ob me wif my get weww giffs! luv holly
dis fing is not wetting me poas pigchers ob my pwessies. i fink it muss be jelus. momy sed we wiww twy tu add dem wayter. luv holly
my furst munf wif addisons
it has bin a munf sins we fownd owt i hab addisons dizeeze. i yam duwing well. after de furss tu wekes on my medsins my numbers wer nowmal. after tu mower wekes, day is eben mower nowmal.
i lik being sik. i get tu go tu de bet a wot. i du not wike de bampiwers der day steew my bwud. but momy taks a bag ob cuukees and gibs me sum. i du not wike it win day stab me on de hip eeder, but i wike de wess.
win i wint dis weke der was a doggy wayting fow me. him wanned tu pway wif me. him smifft my fase and my eres and him wagged hims tayl at me. i did a lubbly play bow and bawkt at him. momy sed, howwy, be kwy yet. i did not wike her saying dat. de dog wint tu sit by hims momy, so i sat by my momy and i swid unner a tay bull. win i got unner der it was bewy fun so i hid an maded coot noyziz. i fowt dat bowy wud wan tu pway wif me but him wantied tu tak a nap insted. dat was bewy sad.
ebewybotty der wannid tu pet me. day awl fowt i was so coot. i wike dat, becoz i yam bewy coot and ebberbotty shud be my fwin. ebewybotty der noze my naym and wants to pet me. dat is gud.
win we fimawy got tu leeb i wint behined de desk an hewpt de lubbly laydees wot wuk der. i wet dem awl pet me and I stood up an poot my hans on de dest and wukt at de compooter and i stowe a witing pin. momy maded me poot it bak.
day awr bewy eggsidied dat i wiww go bak in tu weges.
so fawr i am happy tu be spinning tym der. an i wiww be gwad tu go bak. i fink i mite tak my towys negst tym.
luv holly
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