they told me that i was going to have snow. channing my fwind heard it on the news at her house and she lives vewwy vewwy far away and they said, holly is going to have 18 inches of snow at her house. my old house got snow.
i myself and my mommy and my catses got wain. even my human girl who lives north of here because she lives upstairs, got wain. vewwwy vewwy sad.

bad weather man, bad bad.
2 day i is getting more wain. no snow at all, just wain. it's vewwy cold but it's still waining. mommy said holly, we usually get our snow in january or february, but i is worried. what will i do if i get no snow and all my fwinds do? mommy said she'd try to take me to the mountings they have snow there. but our big mounting car is bwoken. oh mommy i hope i can go see snow and get snowballs on my fur!! luv holly