it's been so long since i wrote on my blog. i feel vewwy vewwy sad about that. i has been so busy. i have a fwind channing that i talk to on facebook and somedays we talk a lot. i was supposed to get snow but i didn't i got a lot of wain and then it turned to mud and mommy said holly you don't smell so good, and i thought i smelled weally weally good. hmmm. maybe the piggie flu made my mommy's nose not work right.
i had my christmas photo shoot. we send beardie cards every year to beardies and their families. this year, mommy was mean mean mean and put a santa hat on my head. i let her do it and take pictures, but i made sure i didn't smile.
tomorrow is my human grrrl's burfday. she will be old old old. in dog years she will be 1.62 years. that's not vewwy old. how can she be that age, when she is oldre than me but i'm 4? i don't know. if she was a dog, in human years she'd be 82. that's even older than our mommy. so that doesn't make sense either. i am so confusticated. i don't no how she is now. mommy says she'll be 17. that's younger than my fwind mr. madgregor, he's going to be 18 next month. he's a vewwy vewwy cool dude and i love him so much. i hope he'll be happy for a weally long time to come!

well next week is chwistmas. do you have your shopping done? i didn't shop, my mommy shopped for me. she is my seccy-terrier. that means she does the stuff i can't do, or don't want to do, or don't have time to do, or wish i could do but am just too cool to do.... stuff like that. so she did my chwistmas shopping. we has to get something for my catses. what do catses want? i fink they want to play wif me!!!!
my big old white lard butted cat has to have his ear cut off. it's sad but it will make him better. he is a white cat wif pink ears and mommy has to put suntan lotion on his ears but he still got cancer, so they has to cut it off. he'll be fine. even worse than that is that he is too fat and has to go on a dye-et. mommy has to get him some food for lard butted catses and not give him much. he doesn't et green beens and applies like i do, so he has to go on this dye-et.
oh, one more important thing. my feetses are muddy.
yesterday mommy peeled me applies and cut them in little pieces and fed them to me one by one. it was the best thing i've ever etten. have you ever etten applies? they is the bestest food in the world. so instead of having a ham which is really a piggie, or a turkey which is really a birdie, have applies for chwistmas dinner!

Love Holly
hey did u notice that i put a lot of cheerful chwistmas pictures in this blog post? wasn't that cool, smart, clever, and very generous of me?
ReplyDeletelove holly