i hasn't written on my blog in a long time. i got vewwwy vewwwy busy on facebook and also i has been flying around in my helamocopter picking up fwinds and having parties and stuff. its a vewwwy big wesponsibility but i takes it vewwwy sewiously. we went to my fwind jasper's house for a eatster party and his mommy had egges for us to dye and to eat and toast and all kindsa fun fings. i has lotsa new fwinds. i has so much to do.
tonight it is waining and i went out to peee. i wouldn't come in when mommy called. but i finally did. when she was dwying me off i was purring like beardies do, but then i snarled and gwabbed the towel. mommy fussed at me and that hurt my feewings a wot. she has been fussing at me several times lately and i'm not vewwwy happy about it and the other day when i had take 8 shoes and a sock into the living woom she said the bad word "no" to me. i was vewwwy upset about that and was wondering if i should weport it because she might have to go to jail. but i was vewwwy sad about that thought because mommy is so good to me and i love her so much and i fink if you go to jail you don't get to be home wif your doggie. so i just fussed back at her and said oh mommy don't say that ugly word.
sometimes i find it hard to write on my blog because i worry about finding a picture to go wif it and i fink pictures add so much. so i will not worry about that and i''ll twy to write again soon.
please write me a message and i will twy to write back. ask me a question any question and i will write an interesting story about it. luv holly
oh the picture i chose is my human grrrl as a baby dwessed up like a eatster bunny.
Hey, Holly: you could put the "Who Nose" album on this blog -- couldn't you?? I noticed all the other noses were well groomed -- sorry, our mom didn't think to make sure we were all prettied up -- which is an easy task with Roz but not so much me!!! Ha! Luv, Channing
ReplyDeleteHi Holly...I took some time off from my blog too. Its good that you are writing again. Are you enjoying your spring and playing outside lots.
Hi Holly,
ReplyDeleteI decided to wite to you in here to say hi to you cuz you is special and special fwends need special hewos.
You make us all so happy when you pick us up in the helamocopter and takes us to parties and to get baby pinkies back where dey belong.
I am going to be an aunt dis week so we will hav more pinkies to visit vewy soon. Lov Nellie
i is so sowwy fwinds dat i hasn't been on here lately but i am going to do better. i just got so busy on facebook and fwying in my helamocopter and hasing camp and stuff and i just wan out of time. mommy said we must make it a better pwiowity. whatever dat means. luv holly
ReplyDeleteRory is so pretty as a bunny. She would be cuter as a Beardie! We are sorry your mamma used the No word! So sooo sad! But my mamma used it today when Eowyn jumped on the screen door when mamma went outside WITHOUT US!! Can you imagine?? I was going to bark too, but I learned when I was only a pinkie that you get the NO word! My mamma didn't raise no silly Beardie! I don't see what you did was so bad, but we luv you. Hugs and luv, Arwen and Eowyn your friends