my fwind nellie told me she came to bisit my bwog and i hadn't written anyfing new and she was sad. so dat made me vewwwy sad. i had been sad before, finking i han't writ on here in a long time, but dat made me sadder.
i has been hasing so many adventures, on facebook, and so i has been witing on der so much i hasn't had time to wite on here. mommy and i were discussing dat today and i sed i must get back to my blogging and so here i is.
i has learned to be a helamocopter pilot. it was somefing i'd never thunk about, but suddenly one day i wealized it wood be a vewwwy useful hobby. so i lurnt. i has a nice shiny wed helamocopter and it can cawwy all my fwinds. it's vewwwy silent and makes no noise. i is afwaid of big noises so dat was imported. it is easy to disgize . sometimes i has to disgize it to fwyy top secwet mishuns. i'll tell you more about dat later.
i has lotsa best wonnerful fwinds from facebook.you see, der are so many dat i can't count dem all. i also has twiblets, you no how free puppies or babies are borned at de same time and dey is twiblets, but i started out being twiblets wif my fwinds bweeze mawino who lives in sandy eggo and angus who lives somewhere but he's afwaid to gets his feetses wet and we was all borned de same year and all of us will be 5 dis year so we is twiblets. but den, lotsa my uvver fwinds wanted to be twiblets and felt left out so now we has a bout 30 twiblest of all colors and ages and even a golded wetweever.
my fwind angus and some uvver fwinds went herding yesterday. i din't get to go so i herded my cat here at home but angus was vewwy bwave and gotted his feets wet! i was so pwoud of him and he got some sort of award for it dey call it a hic i fink it stands for he is cool.
i has found dat i is not de only beardie what is afwaid of funder funder funder. it's bad stuff. i wish you could just send it away in a box. don't work i twied.
i has a vewwwy imported job. i is de head of de pinky patwol. when pinkies is borned, i has to go wif my patwol and collect dem and hide dem or dey end up on aeropwanes and goes away and den philippa (or i guess whoever else has de house wher de pinkies is ) cries a lot, weal tears not like on twue bwood where dey cry finger nail polish.
well, dis is a bit of a update on my life, and i will cwose for now, but i will twy to keep up wif dis much more soon,
i will twy to mowwow to write a bout holly camp, i guess i has your attenshun now!!!!
luv holly
Yeah a post. Nellie is going to be so eggsided when she gets up and weads dis. I is eggsided to wead it too and I woves da pither of your helamocopter where we does secwet missions. We watched Twue Bwood and we woved it cept when he dwopped da head... AAAAwwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooo
ReplyDeletelove, Gracie
yea, a post. I is so happy to wead on here. fanks for sharing your eggsiting pitchur of the helamocopter. Yippppeeeee.
I love your bloggg Holly! it is soo cool! thank you for writing about me and mamma and the cows and stuff. I feel so much better. I loved Holly Camp! I can't wait for winter Holly Camp and we will watch firewerks today! Luv, your friend Arwen
ReplyDeleteHolly, our Mommy will show your Mommy how to groom and you will love it! You will never feel a thing! Sometimes Clem sits on the grooming table just because he likes to sit there. She can take mats out with no pain at all. Let us know! Love your blog! Cute as can be!! cooper and clem