Saturday, October 19, 2013

burfday burfday burfday

me an faye is turning wun dis weke, but i yam owder dan hur. hur burfday is furst so hur is owder dan me. burfdays is bewy comfoosing. momy owdurd stuff fow us, an sum bogziz camed and hur did not gib us stuf an hur sed der is anudder bogz on de way. an momy is gonter mayk yu a burfday cayk. me an faye is wundwin du we ete it on hur burfday or on my burfday or on bofe burfdays ower du we git tu cayks. i wud wykd tu cayks pees momy. wun wif appa saws an wun wif pee nut budder. momy sed we kin has wotebber hur fineds a wesippy fow an i sed pees fined a wesippy fow a appa saws wun an a pee nut budder wun. ha ha i wunnder if hur wiww.
dis was my cayk wun yere. int it pwitty. i yam habbing a pawty wif my fwins on fasebuk. i hoap day wiww awl cum. i no day wiww say hapy burfday tu me. but day wiww say hapy burfday tu faye furs becos hur is owdiss. wot momy? wot du yu mene hur is not owdiss. hur burfday is furs so hur has tu be owdiss. sumtyms my momy doan unner stan stuff gud. weww gess wot. I yam hoaping momy gits us a noo sogger bawl wun fow eesh ob us fow iwer burfdays. i luv tu pway sogger and faye has tored up awl ob my sogger bawls sins hur camed here. doanchu fink hur shud no bettern dat? being owder and stuff. i fink sowe tu.
dis is me as a yung chile wif a sogger bawl. i wunder wer faye was ifn hur is owder? tap tap tap i doan no. hewe is faye wif wot is leff ob my nise sogger bawls.
ifn yu see de burfday fawwy, pees show hur dis pigcher an poyn owt dat i weewy nede a noo sogger bawl. fank you in de pants. an pees cum tu my pawty. luv holly


  1. We can't wait to come to yur pawty. We hope ewe mommy can fugur out yur age an stuff an dat she gits new sokker bawls. We wuv ewe. Luv fwom Mikka an Gracie an Nellie.

  2. yes peas burfday fawwy brings a sogger bawl 4 sweet howwy :)

  3. fank yu bewy muss i yam bewy eggsidied. an wuking fowurd tu my noo sogger bawl. luv holly

  4. I wanna come to your burfday, first Fayes then yours <3 cake, kisses and maybe a new teddy to play with <3 year BIRFDAY BIRFDAY BIRFDAY

    Xxx Pernille & Tøsen RB

  5. Pepsi Sierra andse WhisperOctober 19, 2013 at 3:04 PM

    Hyse Holly,Diss izz Pepsi,Sierra andse Whisper. Wese izz comesin tose youse burfsdayse pawty.Wese canst wates. Wese luvs youse. Wese willse tellse youse mommy tose gettse youse ase noosze sogger ballse.Luvs,Pepsi,Sierra andse Whisper..shhhhhhhhhhhhh!

  6. fank yu bewy muss miss pernille and miss waynbow bwij tosen. i no hur wiww be wiff us awways. faye and i wiww gib yu wotsa kissis!!

    fank yu pepsi sierra and wisper. i wiww be wukking fow yu!! luv holly

  7. Hi Howwy dis iz Gwacie---yooze and Faye iz gonna havzez de besiist pwaty---yoozw willz get woits of tweetz! Luvz, Gwacie and of cworse de mommie

  8. we awer comin tu yur pawty wif wings on ower feegurs an bewls on ower toes an a wing frue ower noze!!!

  9. Howwy, Maywe ewe wiww gwt wots of sogger bawls frum yur fwins on fawebuk. wot mommy? ewe wast at a sore n did no buw howwy a nu bawl? wot, dat wat i tuk, oh, no, mommy willbuy ewe a bawl howwy, i stole it sowwy howwy.

  10. i du hoap i git wotsa sogger bawls, dat wud be sowe nise an i wiww hyde dem fwom faye. befowe hur camed hewe I had abowt lebinty sigz sogger bawls an now i has nun. sad sad howwy

  11. fank yu casey and dd i wiww be so hapy tu see yu awl famseed up. luv holly
