Wednesday, July 7, 2010

my newest bestest song

dis song shud be sung to de toon of my favorite fings

my favorite fings by holly

Slobber on noses and dog slime on kittens
Bright bouncy balls and warm doggy mittens
Lots of nice stuffies all tied up wif stwing
Dese is a few of my favorite fings.

All colored beardies and crisp crunchy kibble
Chewies and balls and shoes slimed with dribble
Wild dogs dat wun wif der fur flying free
Dese are de tings dat make me so happy!

Dogs from de dog shows wif lots of nice pwizes
Dogs dat is pets and come in lots of nice sizes
Beardies and collies and spaniels and springs
Dese are a few of my favorite fings.

huggles wif mommy and lots of nice cuddles
crawling on beds and making them muddles
having my ears wubbed and told i'm de best
dese tings are better dan all of de rest.

When de dog bites
When de cat stings
When I’s feeling sad
I simple wemember my favorite fings
And den I don’t feel so bad!!!


  1. Hi Holly,

    Love your new song... wots and wots of wuv Holly &

  2. fank you holly and finn. i mite gwow up to be a famus songwiter, or i mite be a couch potato i just hasn't decided!!! luv holly

  3. we luvs your song! you is a vewy talented songwiter. luv Skye, Tegan & Rhys

  4. fank you skye tegan and rhys it's so nice of you to say so. do you like dose favorite fings too? luv holly

  5. We thinks your song is da cat's meow. And you looks so vewy pretty singing dat gweat song too.
    We is vewy gwad you started to wite on your blog again.
    Lov Nellie and gwacie and mikka. We want to be your back up girls when you go on da road or we could get a beardie choir....

  6. fank you gwacie, nellie and mikka. i will be happy to has you sing wif me. it will be de bestest gwooup ever! luv holly

  7. We weally weally luvs your sone. You is very talanted and we luvs your picture. Luv Gin and Bundy

  8. fank you gin and bundy! i luv you. i heered you built a new hole today bundy, good boy!!! luv holly

  9. Gracie-- Fwiends wit HollyJuly 16, 2010 at 4:10 PM

    I can hear the words from the picture!!! Great song!

  10. fank you gwacie!! i was singing as hawrd as i could awooooooo aooooo woooo awoooo oooooo oooo
    luv holly

  11. Wow Holly, you are very talented. I just sang your song to my husband and our Sheepies and we agreee it is wonderful:-)

  12. Holly that was a wonderful song, do you think you will win a grammy for this?
