Friday, July 2, 2010


i has moved house and so i don't has my own big pool any more. i do has a wading pool and mommy is going to fix it one day for me to splash in

i has a fwind named nellie. she has sisters named gwacie and mikka and dey live in a weally nice fancy speshul eggsiding pwace what has a in gwound pool. gwacie wikes to sit on de steps of de pool on her mommy's lap and de water is vewwwy cool for her.

one day my fwind nellie was wunning and she fell into de pool. she was vewwwy scared and her mommmy lept to her own danger into de water and swam past de shawrks and submarines and whales and gwabbed nellie and swam for 50 hours to get her to safety on de steps. nellie was vewwwy scawered because she is only just a little more than a year old which is still a baby in dog years and she dint' no how to swim. her mommy saved her life. i fink her mommy should get a award fwom de fire department or de fbi or maybe animal cops on tv for being so bwave. gwacie was weally gwad dat her nellie dint dwown and me too. we suggested nellie might want to learn to swim, or make sure she is always wearing water wings and a inner tube just in case. nellie has gotted in de water sins den and she said she moved her feet so she won't dwown.

i fink dis is a weally good wesson that if you has a pool, you might want to always scoot awound your yard in a canoo. luv holly


  1. I can't swim. I'm afraid of the water. Mamma!! I need waterwings! Luv Arwen

  2. i don no if i can swim or not but i no angus and nellie has bofe felledened into pools and barewy escaped wif dey lives, so i fink it's always a good pwan to wear water wings no matter if you is near water or not. or gwue a small cannoo to your butty. luv holly

  3. fank you for witing on dis post because up until right before just when you did, it han't had any commenteseses. luv holly

  4. now it has 4! i am so happy! luv holly
