what shall i wite about 2day? i fink i will tell about my fwind arwen's winged sheepies. what, you say, did you say arwen has winged sheepies? yes i did say dat vewwwy fing.
to begin wif, arwen and her mommy went to wive in tegsas. it is a far away pwace dat is vewwwy big and has vewwwy big fings in it. mommy says it's as big as de whole world and has wots of sand. de cows der has twees on dey heads, yes in't dat amzing? dey has woad wunners dat go by and say meep meep and shop at acme suppwy, i no dis because i saw it on tv. so when dey moved der, dey was vewwwy sad because arwen's human daddy had died and gone to heaven but dey was so so bwave and moved all de way acwoss de world to wive in dis pwace wif magical cweachurs like cows wif twees on dey heads. arwen's mommy tole her she would get her sheepies, but de sheepies nevver got der.
so arwen was understandably miffed. she got cows and goteses and a kitty and stuff. she had to go to snake cwasss. but no sheepies. but den one day arwens mommy came home wif somefing magical!! it was sheepie egges. we no it was sheepie egges because she had pwomised and so it had to be in de magical land of tegsas.
de furst batch of sheepie egges all went to sweep and dint wake up. but somefing amazing happened wif de second batch. one of dose sheepie egges got a crack and den you could see somefing and den hear somefing and suddenly one day de winged sheepie popped out. it looked kinda like a bwack chicken but it was a baby sheepie! we helped name it and it was named baa-by gwadys!! isn't dat de most beeee oooo teeee ful name for a winged sheepie?
baa-by gwadys is still small but she is starting to get her more feathers and one day she will take a big gasp of air and she will look like a winged sheepie. wight now she is in disguise as a chicken to keep her safe and keep the television cameras away because taking pigchers of magical cweachers is strickly forbidded. arwens mommy dint want baa-by gwadys to be wonely so she got lots of uvver winged sheepies for her to have to pway wif.
all dis makes me so so happy and helps me beweeve in magic because i has seen it wif my own too iyes!! luv holly
oh, pee esss. i forgotted to menshundat arwen hasn't been feewing good and has been ichy and sik to her tummy and i want her to feel better and i fought making her famus mite help her feel better since i fink evewybody in de world weads my bwog! luv holly
To my friend Holly, thank you for telling mamma's and my story, you did it so beauuutifullly! Mamma had tears in her eyes when she read it to me. Thank you so much, that was really special. You tell stories so good! We are going to give you a new, special, only one in the world award! Holly B Collie, the Guardian and Auntie Supreme of the Tegsas Miniachur Toy Winged Sheepies and Honorary Tegsasan Beardie!
ReplyDeleteI wish every beardie had a good friend like you. We are going to name one of the winged sheepies Baa-by Holly! You get to pick which one.
Luv, your friend Arwen (not so itchy now)
fank you arwen and your mommy for wiking what i wote. i was hoping you would like it very much because i wanted to do somefing speshul for you, but i din't want to hurted your feewings, so i'm hoping it din't. i do fink you are so vewwy bwave and i wish i could do somefing nice for you because i luv you so much. fank you so much for my award, i will tweshur it always.
ReplyDeleteluv holly
pee esss i is so gwad you is not so ichy. i hope you nevver get ichy like dat again! luv holly and pwease give your mommy a big hug fwom me and my mommy
We want a winged sheepie...and some goats.
ReplyDeletei want wun too cal n abbie! an i want a alpaca mommy says! dat would be so fun! luv holly
ReplyDeleteWe would like an alpaca, they are little like sheep! Do they spit?? luv Arwen and Eowyn
ReplyDeletei fink dey do. int dat wonnerful? i wud just so luv to has a pet dat spits. i has sneezed in my mommys face befowr and she luved it so so much. fank you so much holly she sed. and i cud tell she luved it. and yesterday i shook and swobber went all over her and she was obercomed wif thrilledness. luv holly