Sunday, November 29, 2009

2day is sunnyday

i has not witten in my bwog for a long long time i has been so busy. on furs day, mommy bakened this huge bwobby fing and it took a long time. she would say holly when is this fing going to be done and i'd say i don't know mommy but i could taste it for u. it smelled vewwy vewwy good. mommy gave me tiny tastes and it was vewwy vewwy good. i did sit up vewwy pwetty and wave my paws.

then mommy bakened sweet potaters and i got some and it was vewwy vewwy yummy. my mommy said holly it's not much of a holly day when u have to cook all day. and i said mommy why is today named after me, do i get pwesents?

my mommy got me a vewwy vewwy wonderful dolly. when i pick him up just right he says oooooh noooooooo and sounds vewwy vewwy happy that i is squeezing his tummy. he is so much fun. i must has been a vewwy vewwy good grrrl cus i is getting lots of new toys. our new house has lots of room and i can chase toys in here and mommy and i play inside each night. i run on the car pet part and then i tippy toe on the woody part and it's fun.

it's been cold and sunny here. my fwind channing is had some snow and she sent me a picture of it and told me of some good stuff to put on your feets so they don't get sore in snow. i told mommy to get me some and maybe that would help it snow. channing also got a new snow shovel and i want one so bad. we try to get the same thing, like her mommy went and got her a dolly that says oooooh noooooo and her sister roz got one 2.i luv channing and roz so much!!! i have many new fwinds that i love so much and roz and channing are some of them. but we need to have the same fings so we match. i am a vewwy popalar grrrl wif many fwinds. i want to be fwinds wif evewy one.

well mommy says she has to go but later she will put a picture of me wif my new dolly. love holly

Monday, November 23, 2009

i is vewwy vewwy egg sided

i is vewwy vewwy egg sided. 2day is give a dog a treat for no weason day and i have lots of no weasons to get treats! my mommy is going to give me so many tweats for no weason and i'm alweady so egg sided.
my tummy is doing a happy dance.
it's waining 2day 2 and so i'll be in a lot to get these tweats.

i'll wite more later, after i've had some tweats!
one vewwy egg sided holly

Friday, November 20, 2009

some mail i got

dear holly, you must have had a very busy week i've missed your adventures and hope you'lll write a new post soon.

i wrote myself this note today and thought i'd oblige myself by writing a nice post.

we had rain. i had to do a lot of sleeping and it was very time consuming. then the sun came out. and i had to do a lot of ball and cat chasing. my life is very demanding, i must tell u. the human girl started back to dance this week which meant mommy was gone every night. but she puts me in my nice kitchen (wif 2 gateses) and i rest so when she comes home we can play. she is so pleased with me and every day many times she says holly i am so pleased with you you are so pleasant and well behaved. i look behind me to see if some other holly is standing there, but there never is one, it's just me. it makes me happy and vewwy much in need of a cookie.

monday is give your dog a treat for no reason day and i am a strong supporter of making this a weekly holiday. or daily. i like treats especially if treat is spelled c-o-o-k-i-e. have you ever wondered why cookie is spelled with a i-e and not a y? y's make words look perky and mommy doesn't like perky she says perky is usually fake, so we go with the unperky spellings around here. although holly is okay with a y because i am not perky i'm a beardie. beardie has a i-e, did u notice?

well back to the human girl. she was walking today which is something she seems to have trouble with and she hurt her toe and mommmy (that has a y but it's not at all perky)says that girl has broke her toe i said mommy that girl is very brokeable. she has broke many many fings.the sad thing is with a broke toe she can't walk or run wif me, but the even sadder fing is that she doesn't do that anyway. she is a teenager and you have to shudder after you say that because teenagers are very scary things. they are mopey and frown a lot and sigh and roll their eyes. beardies never do those things because we are not teenagers. we are beardies and very happy creatures.

i wish more people would read my blog and send me comments. do u notice that i comment to myself quite often? the human girl's bear wants to write to me and i might go to the inside outside upstairs and bring him down so he can. he and i are very good fwinds, but the human girl won't let me play with him. she says i'd slobber on him. well duh, what else would a beardie do? give him a massage?

tonight i had frosty paws. i carried my dish into the grape room and ate with my fambly. i keep hving to pick up my dish and keep it in the right place. mommy thinks i'm very clever and she's right.

bed time now. sleep well and yes my feet are wet and they haven't rotted yet. oh the picture i posted is me going for more frosty paws. or catses. or bears. or to find my mommy!

love holly

Monday, November 16, 2009

o daddy

my daddy was very bad again today. he let me go potty before bed, and yes my feet are wet again, and he didn't come out wif me like mommy does and clap when i pee peed. and then he brought me in and didn't give me cookies. not a single one, not even 2 or 3. not even a broken one. mommy came down from saying good night to the human girl and she saw me looking vewwy vewwy sad and she said holly did daddy give you your nite nite cookies? and i said in a very sad weak little voice no. and mommy said o holly daddy is such a bad boy you might have to write another blog post about how horrible he is, and i said if only i had the strength.

so mommy gave me 4 cookies instead of 3 i can count you know, so i know how many she gave me and if someone (mommy would never do this) tries to give me only 2 i keep waiting patiently and doing nice tricks until i get the rest of them. so then i had energy to come in here and type this, but it's late and my feet are wet so it's only going to be short.

i'm not quite sure about daddies, mine's not being very useful this week.

if u look at the picture above, it is of me being weak for lack of cookies.

mommy found this

My mommy read this and said holly let's put it on your blog and i said okay mommy and how about a cookie? this is pretty interesting, even though i didn't write it myself! love holly

All I really need to know I learned from my Beardie

Never pass up the opportunity to go for a joy ride.
Allow the experience of fresh air and the wind in your face to be pure ecstasy.
When loved ones come home, always run to greet them.
Take naps and stretch before rising.
Run, romp, and play daily.
Be loyal.
Never pretend to be something you're not.
Eat with gusto and enthusiasm.
If what you want lies buried, dig until you find it.
When someone is having a bad day, be silent, sit close by and nuzzle them gently.
Thrive on affection and let people touch you - enjoy back rubs and pats on your neck.
When you leave your yard, make it an adventure.
Avoid biting when a simple growl will do.
No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the guilt thing and pout - run right back and make friends.
Bond with your pack.
On cold nights, curl up in front of a crackling fire.
When you're excited, speak up.
When you're happy, dance around and wag your entire body.
Delight in the simple joy of a long walk.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

daddy is bad

last night i was so vewwy vewwy happy. i got to lay on mommy's bed on my pink lacy blanket and she took pictures of me and then i lay there being very good like a princess while she was at the computer. and i had asked first because i never never get up with out purrmission and i can't because i can't get up on the bed by myself mommy always has to pick up my back feets.

then daddy comes in. i had a very pleasant proud look on my face because i was so happy and being so good and being a princess on my pink lacy blanket and he says, holly are you supposed to be up there?

well that hurt my feelings so so so so so vewwwy much. i mean. number one i was on my pink lacy blanket did he thinnk i put it there on my own? number tooo mommy was right there, could she not see me? number three i can't get up on my own mommy always has to pick up my back feet. number for that was just so unkind.

i don't think i will ever be able to forgive my daddy for hurting my feelings so badly. i is one vewwy vewwy poorly treated precious child. bad daddy bad bad boy.

2 day

i is not mad at my mommy 2 day. actually i was not mad at my mommy last night. when she got home i was so glad to see her and she gave me cookies and called me "my precious child" and I wiggled a lot. she gave me nummy food and threw my buddy glow ball and squeeky santa and flying squirrel over and over and we had fun, and while she watched the tv all about catses i lay by her chair and she rubbed my shoulders. she is a good mommy

last night mommy put my pretty pink lacy blankie on her bed and took my picture. i pozed so nicely and no that was not me trying to steel mommy's blue blankie that was some other grrrrl. mommy put all the pretty pictures on my facebook and i will post one here because i no u want to see them.

2 day mommy is going grocery shopping and the human grrrl will stay with me. but she pwobly won't play with me because she's 2 cool for that. well i tell her i am 2 cool to play with--- is that my ball?????

n e way mommy said she would get frosty paws and i is already drooling!!!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

grrrrrrrrrrrrrr mommy

my mommy is so mean.

she took the human girl out again today and she put 2- one two- gates up on the kitchen door to the hallway where they disappear and there was not any way i could jump across or push 2 down and i was so so sad. i thought of calling those animal cops on tv to tell them a dog was being imprisoned but i don't know their number and of course the tv was not on.

what happened to my nice mommy?

i am so vewwy vewwy sad now.

Friday, November 13, 2009

a big adventure

2day i had a big adventure, but it was ruined by a wicked human grrrrl.

mommy had taken the human girl to something called a par teee. when they leave me they lock me in jail. i is in the kitchen slash breakfast room which is not nearly as appetizing as it might sound. there are windows and a door to the back yard. my ex pin covers the place between the breakfast room and the living room but they never leave the tv on for me. then there is a bar and my dishes and my blanket and bankies and stuffed aminals. then there is a kitchen. it's a fun room. there is a plastic thing with dirty towels i do love dirty towels. there are three rugs and i can lay on all of them. there is a big silver box that drips ice chips on the floor. and sometimes there are crummmms. my job is to clean up the crummmmmms and i'm good at it. then there is a gate the dreaded horrid gate between the kitchen and the hall where is the door that mommy and the human girl disappear out and also the catses live there when they are not outside. well that dreaded horrid gate fell. and what did i spy over the other side of it???? freedom.

so i jumpted over it and what did i see? Steps!!!! i do love steps, i have explained about steps that when you go up them you are in the inside outside and can pee on the floor. so i vewwy vewwy cewfully made my way up the first set of steps. I had to jump across a gate that they put there to keep me from going up but i'm so clever i can do that. it's hard work going up steps but there is a flat spot where you can rest before you go up the second steps. and what did i hear just as i got there? the door. human girl had forgotten something and had come back and she caught me in my adventure. i was so miffed. so vewwy vewwy miffed.

she made me come downstairs and that's such a hard scary thing and i was so afwaid that she had to cawwy me down and she put me back in jail and made sure the gate was tight in the wall so i couldn't get out. grrrrrr. i had to spend the rest of the time in jail until daddy got home and he wouldn't let me go upstairs either. i'm just not ever going to pee again until they let me go up there. so there.

i'm still vewwy vewwy miffed at that human girl and i just barked at her. no no human girl bad bad, i said.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


has it ever rained at your house? it has rained at my house forever, even longer than forever more days than i could ever count, bigger than the ocean longer than the something or other.

i am tired of rain. my yard is a puddle. i run and it plashes all over and gets my tummy wet. i bounce because i can bounce over this water stuff, but then when i land it plashes even higher. my catses can't play with me and they are so so sad. i can't wait at the yard for the nice lady next door to come out and pet me. where i have to go when the barky dog barks at me, is a big lake and mommy says holly don't go there it's....... mud. and when she says the word mud she sounds really really sad.

when it gets dry my mommy says i'll have to have a bath and it'll be fun she says, but i don't believe her. number 1 baths is not fun, number 2 it's never gonna stop raining. i will have to wear an umbrella hat mommy says, and galoshes but i don't no what they are but they sounds like hair bows to me. huh uh mommy huh uh.

at night mommy takes me out this thing we got called a fwont dore. there are brick walls there and then steps. i has to sit and hold my arms out to mommy to carry me down. she says holly. those steps are only 4 inches high you can walk down them. i can't measure mommy but 4 inches must be really really big because these steps is scary!!!

then once you do make it down the steps which is so so scary, you get to get in the nice grass and pee pee and it's fun because well it just is. and then you walk down a mountain and you are in the RODE. i used big letters for that because it's very important. last night the RODE was very dark and wet and water was rushing and then falling down holes. i've never had a RODE with holes before and mommy said don't get near the drains holly.

at our old house the RODE was just a rode and there were a lot of lightes and no holes and we walked at night a lot sometimes in the middle of the night when everyone in the world was asleep mommy and i would walk on the rode. sometimes she'd ware her pajommmas and we would run up and down the rode and it was our secret. she says now we live in the city so we can't do that because we have nay bors. and even tho it's darker and stuff, it's still city and before it was all lit up and was country. mommy says life is a strange thing holly girl. my mommy is very wise.

We will take some picchurs of rain and add them so u can see it in case u never have.
love holly
ps i am afraid my feet will rot off see earlier message about that subject.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

i do have the best mommy in the world

my friend pepsi told me about his new toy a flying squirrel. i knew i wanted one so bad that it hurt inside my tummy. he said he had so much fun with it. i wanted one so badly. i didn't know what it was but i new if pepsi had one i had to have one 2. oh mommy can i please have one.

so this morning mommy said holly. i am going to petco, and i'll see if they have flying squirrels! i don't know if you'll like it or not, but it's worth a try.

oh, i said, mommy dearest mommy in the world i will like it i'll like it so so much that i will probably explode.

i am napping right now and i hope when i wake up mommy and my human girl will be gone and they'll bring me back a flying squirrel. i just can't wait, why can't that human girl get ready faster??????

a very excited holly here!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

my mommy

my mommy is the bestest thing in the world. she makes sure i have the two yummy foods mixed together. and has the yummy soft stuff sprinkled on top. she brings me in and out all day, and up until she had piggy flu she kicked my ball every time i was outside. up and down down and up from this side of the yard to that side of the yard around the corner and back again. and she always laughed when she did it. and she rubs my ears and tells me i'm a clever girl. when i was sick she changed my bandages and gave me my pills hidden in yummy things and cut up bacon (which mommy doesn't like because piggies are people too) and scrambled eggs and bought all kinds of yummy thigns that might make a doggie eat a tiny bite that mommy never buys for this house, but she bought them for me. and she brushes me and tries to put bows on me and plays with me and bought me more toys than i could ever play with and when she and my human grrrl have icee cream she gets frosty paws or manilla icee cream for me and sometimes she takes me to dairy queen and gets me a small cup of manilla. and she baths me when i feel itchy and she hugs me and says hugs and kisses? and that makes me wiggle all over and she never acts like i'm a stinky dog or anything and she puts a pink blanket with a lace ruffle on the bed for me to lay on and just laughs when i fall off of it. she helped me set up my facebook and she helped me set up my blog. and she types stuff for me when i tell her what to put.

but she ticked the wrong box and it was hard for comments to be posted and that was why i wasn't getting millions of comments. but u no what? i love her anyway. and it's okay mommy, we'll fix it together and then the comments will pour in and we'll both be so so happy!
love your little holly bell!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


today is winsdy. it is the middle day of the week. i had a very very busy winsdy. i slept late because i knew my mommy was sick and she was up most of the night, so i let her sleep because i'm just that nice.

when she got up i was waiting by the kitchen gate, wagging. i am so good at wagging. and mommy always says "how is my precious child this morning?" and she rubs my ears and my face and kisses me. i do cute things and she hugs me a lot. after we do all that lovey stuff, i need to go outside. it was cold today, and i liked it. i ran and ran. when my catses came out, mommy tried to get me to come in but i said mommy i must play with my catses, they might get cold. i barked at them and chased them and we had so so much fun!!! they really love playing with me.

finally i did go in with mommy and i napped after she rubbed me and hugged me and kissed me a lot. all that being rubbed and chasing catses and barking makes a girl get tired so i had a nice long nap. i like to nap in my crate. it's in the grape room and mommy sits in there with me when i nap. today she napped in the chair because she's sick.

i had a lot of nice food too, that was very good. then later i went outside again and i've spent a lot of time barking at catses. i do enjoy doing that. mommmy is invisible and calls my name and i don't understand how she can be invisible and know i'm barking at catses but she does.

mommy did kick my ball some today but not as much as usual because she's sick. i don't like her being sick.

i am going to lie in my crate a while with her becuase she misses me when i'm off with the catses. i do love my mommy so much!

i love my mommy so much.

i love my mommy so much!

i love barking at... oops, my mommy so much.....

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

hair bows

lots of bearded collies wear hair bows. some of them wear them every day. fancy pretty ones. simple little ones. pink ones, blue ones, purple ones, plaid ones. some are ribbon some are plastic some are elastic.

there is one thing hair bows have in common. they are torture devices. my mommy used to try to put them on me, but i was on to her tricks. i am good at the duck and run, and the slap and snap. if she gets them in i run very very fast so the wind blows them off. if they are stubborn i can scratch them with my paws and paw them with my arms and rub them on the sofa. i am good.

so mommy doesn't even bother to try any more. she thinks she's sneaky. at the day time she'll pull my hair out of my eyes and say oh, holly, if you let me put a bow in this you could see so much better. i say mommy, i don't need to see, i like to bump into stuff. at night when she sits on the floor with me, and brushes me she will brush my hair back and say oh holly, it looks so pretty with your hair back. i say, no it doesn't. i am good.

so all you beardies out there, seeing isn't important. our dignity is. it's much more dignified to bump into things including catses, than to have a pink fru fru on top of your head. we don't need to see!!! no thank you mommy, and no you can't even get me to do it for cookies or cheese or balls or bacon or catses. i do not like bows.

but i do look very very cute in them. here is a picture when one day she was sneakier than me and not only got a bow in my hair but managed to took a picture of me!! she's very good.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

i am always a little confused

sometimes my mommy hugs me and cries and says it's because she loves me so much. sometimes she hugs me and cries and says she's sad. i always do something to make her laugh. i think that's one of my jobs. i can be a very funny girl.

we moved into this new house this summer and i like it a lot. it has some climby things and i had to learn to climb them. up the climby things are more rooms and i think they are outside so i pee up there. mommy said "holly, i thought you knew better than that." and she fixed the climby things so i can't climb up them. the other day she said, "come up with me surely if you're beside me you won't have an accident." i didn't have an accident but i did pee. she carried me down the climby things and fixed it so i couldn't climb any more. then she took the bottle up there and the paper leaves and she said she had to scrub the mess. when i pee outisde no body uses the bottle or the paper leaves, so i don't really understand. i like climbing those climby things and when it's raining, it seems like it's a lot better to go pee up there. the human people pee in the house.

i realy don't understand.