Tuesday, November 3, 2009

hair bows

lots of bearded collies wear hair bows. some of them wear them every day. fancy pretty ones. simple little ones. pink ones, blue ones, purple ones, plaid ones. some are ribbon some are plastic some are elastic.

there is one thing hair bows have in common. they are torture devices. my mommy used to try to put them on me, but i was on to her tricks. i am good at the duck and run, and the slap and snap. if she gets them in i run very very fast so the wind blows them off. if they are stubborn i can scratch them with my paws and paw them with my arms and rub them on the sofa. i am good.

so mommy doesn't even bother to try any more. she thinks she's sneaky. at the day time she'll pull my hair out of my eyes and say oh, holly, if you let me put a bow in this you could see so much better. i say mommy, i don't need to see, i like to bump into stuff. at night when she sits on the floor with me, and brushes me she will brush my hair back and say oh holly, it looks so pretty with your hair back. i say, no it doesn't. i am good.

so all you beardies out there, seeing isn't important. our dignity is. it's much more dignified to bump into things including catses, than to have a pink fru fru on top of your head. we don't need to see!!! no thank you mommy, and no you can't even get me to do it for cookies or cheese or balls or bacon or catses. i do not like bows.

but i do look very very cute in them. here is a picture when one day she was sneakier than me and not only got a bow in my hair but managed to took a picture of me!! she's very good.


  1. Hi Miss Holly! I havwe been away for awhile.Mommy's car broke. Something called a starter and daddy is fixing it right now. I have to agree with you about the bows!My mommy tries to still put them inmy hair but i leadn down so low to the table and turn my head so when she almost has it in I move real fast and she loses it!!! I love it...and I love my mommy for trying to help me to see.Love,Pepsi

  2. hey pepsi i'm sorry your mommy
    s car broke. we have some broke cars and it makes my daddy say unhappy things. that's a good bow trick i'll have to try that if my mommy gets back on the bow wagon. i no she means well and wants me to see the catses and cookies and stuff, but i can smell them!!! and bows hurt so so bad!!!!!!love holly

  3. yes, i do think bows look pretty, but they are cruel cruel things to poor little dogs. that's what i no. i no some bows try not to hurt but i still think they do.

    what do u think? do u wear bows, anybeardie reading this?

    or any teacup humans?
    i no u wear bows 2 sometimes. my human sister wore them when she was a teacup human
