my friend pepsi told me about his new toy a flying squirrel. i knew i wanted one so bad that it hurt inside my tummy. he said he had so much fun with it. i wanted one so badly. i didn't know what it was but i new if pepsi had one i had to have one 2. oh mommy can i please have one.
so this morning mommy said holly. i am going to petco, and i'll see if they have flying squirrels! i don't know if you'll like it or not, but it's worth a try.
oh, i said, mommy dearest mommy in the world i will like it i'll like it so so much that i will probably explode.
i am napping right now and i hope when i wake up mommy and my human girl will be gone and they'll bring me back a flying squirrel. i just can't wait, why can't that human girl get ready faster??????
a very excited holly here!!!
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