has it ever rained at your house? it has rained at my house forever, even longer than forever more days than i could ever count, bigger than the ocean longer than the something or other.
i am tired of rain. my yard is a puddle. i run and it plashes all over and gets my tummy wet. i bounce because i can bounce over this water stuff, but then when i land it plashes even higher. my catses can't play with me and they are so so sad. i can't wait at the yard for the nice lady next door to come out and pet me. where i have to go when the barky dog barks at me, is a big lake and mommy says holly don't go there it's....... mud. and when she says the word mud she sounds really really sad.
when it gets dry my mommy says i'll have to have a bath and it'll be fun she says, but i don't believe her. number 1 baths is not fun, number 2 it's never gonna stop raining. i will have to wear an umbrella hat mommy says, and galoshes but i don't no what they are but they sounds like hair bows to me. huh uh mommy huh uh.
at night mommy takes me out this thing we got called a fwont dore. there are brick walls there and then steps. i has to sit and hold my arms out to mommy to carry me down. she says holly. those steps are only 4 inches high you can walk down them. i can't measure mommy but 4 inches must be really really big because these steps is scary!!!
then once you do make it down the steps which is so so scary, you get to get in the nice grass and pee pee and it's fun because well it just is. and then you walk down a mountain and you are in the RODE. i used big letters for that because it's very important. last night the RODE was very dark and wet and water was rushing and then falling down holes. i've never had a RODE with holes before and mommy said don't get near the drains holly.
at our old house the RODE was just a rode and there were a lot of lightes and no holes and we walked at night a lot sometimes in the middle of the night when everyone in the world was asleep mommy and i would walk on the rode. sometimes she'd ware her pajommmas and we would run up and down the rode and it was our secret. she says now we live in the city so we can't do that because we have nay bors. and even tho it's darker and stuff, it's still city and before it was all lit up and was country. mommy says life is a strange thing holly girl. my mommy is very wise.
We will take some picchurs of rain and add them so u can see it in case u never have.
love holly
ps i am afraid my feet will rot off see earlier message about that subject.
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