dear holly, you must have had a very busy week i've missed your adventures and hope you'lll write a new post soon.
i wrote myself this note today and thought i'd oblige myself by writing a nice post.
we had rain. i had to do a lot of sleeping and it was very time consuming. then the sun came out. and i had to do a lot of ball and cat chasing. my life is very demanding, i must tell u. the human girl started back to dance this week which meant mommy was gone every night. but she puts me in my nice kitchen (wif 2 gateses) and i rest so when she comes home we can play. she is so pleased with me and every day many times she says holly i am so pleased with you you are so pleasant and well behaved. i look behind me to see if some other holly is standing there, but there never is one, it's just me. it makes me happy and vewwy much in need of a cookie.
monday is give your dog a treat for no reason day and i am a strong supporter of making this a weekly holiday. or daily. i like treats especially if treat is spelled c-o-o-k-i-e. have you ever wondered why cookie is spelled with a i-e and not a y? y's make words look perky and mommy doesn't like perky she says perky is usually fake, so we go with the unperky spellings around here. although holly is okay with a y because i am not perky i'm a beardie. beardie has a i-e, did u notice?
well back to the human girl. she was walking today which is something she seems to have trouble with and she hurt her toe and mommmy (that has a y but it's not at all perky)says that girl has broke her toe i said mommy that girl is very brokeable. she has broke many many fings.the sad thing is with a broke toe she can't walk or run wif me, but the even sadder fing is that she doesn't do that anyway. she is a teenager and you have to shudder after you say that because teenagers are very scary things. they are mopey and frown a lot and sigh and roll their eyes. beardies never do those things because we are not teenagers. we are beardies and very happy creatures.
i wish more people would read my blog and send me comments. do u notice that i comment to myself quite often? the human girl's bear wants to write to me and i might go to the inside outside upstairs and bring him down so he can. he and i are very good fwinds, but the human girl won't let me play with him. she says i'd slobber on him. well duh, what else would a beardie do? give him a massage?
tonight i had frosty paws. i carried my dish into the grape room and ate with my fambly. i keep hving to pick up my dish and keep it in the right place. mommy thinks i'm very clever and she's right.
bed time now. sleep well and yes my feet are wet and they haven't rotted yet. oh the picture i posted is me going for more frosty paws. or catses. or bears. or to find my mommy!
love holly
this is a very nice and informative post holly thank u for writing it! i enjoyed it so much! love holly