my daddy was very bad again today. he let me go potty before bed, and yes my feet are wet again, and he didn't come out wif me like mommy does and clap when i pee peed. and then he brought me in and didn't give me cookies. not a single one, not even 2 or 3. not even a broken one. mommy came down from saying good night to the human girl and she saw me looking vewwy vewwy sad and she said holly did daddy give you your nite nite cookies? and i said in a very sad weak little voice no. and mommy said o holly daddy is such a bad boy you might have to write another blog post about how horrible he is, and i said if only i had the strength.
so mommy gave me 4 cookies instead of 3 i can count you know, so i know how many she gave me and if someone (mommy would never do this) tries to give me only 2 i keep waiting patiently and doing nice tricks until i get the rest of them. so then i had energy to come in here and type this, but it's late and my feet are wet so it's only going to be short.
i'm not quite sure about daddies, mine's not being very useful this week.
if u look at the picture above, it is of me being weak for lack of cookies.
by the way, in the picture i'm being weak on mommy's bed on my pink lacy blankie.