2day i had a big adventure, but it was ruined by a wicked human grrrrl.
mommy had taken the human girl to something called a par teee. when they leave me they lock me in jail. i is in the kitchen slash breakfast room which is not nearly as appetizing as it might sound. there are windows and a door to the back yard. my ex pin covers the place between the breakfast room and the living room but they never leave the tv on for me. then there is a bar and my dishes and my blanket and bankies and stuffed aminals. then there is a kitchen. it's a fun room. there is a plastic thing with dirty towels i do love dirty towels. there are three rugs and i can lay on all of them. there is a big silver box that drips ice chips on the floor. and sometimes there are crummmms. my job is to clean up the crummmmmms and i'm good at it. then there is a gate the dreaded horrid gate between the kitchen and the hall where is the door that mommy and the human girl disappear out and also the catses live there when they are not outside. well that dreaded horrid gate fell. and what did i spy over the other side of it???? freedom.
so i jumpted over it and what did i see? Steps!!!! i do love steps, i have explained about steps that when you go up them you are in the inside outside and can pee on the floor. so i vewwy vewwy cewfully made my way up the first set of steps. I had to jump across a gate that they put there to keep me from going up but i'm so clever i can do that. it's hard work going up steps but there is a flat spot where you can rest before you go up the second steps. and what did i hear just as i got there? the door. human girl had forgotten something and had come back and she caught me in my adventure. i was so miffed. so vewwy vewwy miffed.
she made me come downstairs and that's such a hard scary thing and i was so afwaid that she had to cawwy me down and she put me back in jail and made sure the gate was tight in the wall so i couldn't get out. grrrrrr. i had to spend the rest of the time in jail until daddy got home and he wouldn't let me go upstairs either. i'm just not ever going to pee again until they let me go up there. so there.
i'm still vewwy vewwy miffed at that human girl and i just barked at her. no no human girl bad bad, i said.
wow holly that was a very exciting adventure and you are so not lucky that that human girl came back in because she never does and she did the one time you got free!!!